Saturday, October 11, 2008

Promise to self & readers

I haven't posted in awhile... ok, a really long while. I tried posting last year, but it came out all personal and private and turns out I didn't want that on the interwebs.

So this is my promise: I will come up with a mind-boggling political post before the election. I know, I know: not much time left. But I seemed to be on streak there for awhile, so I believe in my abilities to churn something great out before Nov 4.

Side-soap-bar: I may not reach many people with this blog, but I encourage any that I do to register to vote! Yes, it means making yourself available for the draft (if you're a guy; don't get me started), but if you vote a certain way, maybe you won't be drafted! (poor attempt at humor, don't want to get the Republicans too riled up)

Also, a call for content to IntelCit (I know you've got a new type of life now) and LacyK (you should have plenty to write about!) to post some content of the genre of your choosing. Or perhaps just a few good comments when I get my post(s) up.