Thursday, May 04, 2006

Ad Agency Sues Blogger for Defamation

Advertising Age Article 5/4/2006

I'm sorry WHAT?! Since when did expressing your opinion become illegal in this country? Just because a blog is online and could potentially be read by anyone, does not make it a mass medium by any means. Therefore, a single person (with considerably less legal backing) should never be held liable for defamation in a court of law by a company.

He would not be penalized (I hope) for expressing these opinions to all his friends, family, or even his congressman, so why should he be penalized for putting it in writing on his own personal website?

As an advertising major, I can see where a company would like to curb negative expression towards its business and actions. As a journalism major and a US Citizen, I am apalled that a company could viably take a single person to court for defamation in a situation like this. If Joe Schmoe sues McDonald's for making him fat... he deserves a counter suit. If Lance Dutson wants to put up mean words against the Maine Dept of Tourism every day on his web-blog, he certainly shouldn't have to sustain thousands of dollars in court costs to defend his opinion.