Friday, April 07, 2006

I got hung up on...

Everyone has pet peeves. Some people have a lot of them. I have one really big one: don't ever hang up on me. If you don't respect me enough to finish a disagreement with me or express your discontent in a way that I might answer or explain, you have no business calling me in the first place.

I was hung up on, yesterday. And since it was such a shocking offense from a commendable gentleman friend of mine, I think I'll post the phrase that got me 'dead air' on the other line and see if it sparks similar reactions here.

"Men deserve to be teased. If you're gonna call a woman a 'ho' for sleeping with you, don't surprised if she gets all the way to the bedroom and then tells you it's not gonna happen. She's not a tease... she's just avoiding being a 'ho.'"